Projektowanie i logistyka materiałów (studia w języku angielskim)

  • You will acquire technical knowledge focused on engineering materials design including logistical, management and quality aspects
  • You will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable you to adapt flexibly to the changing conditions and requirements of the job market
  • You will have the opportunity to complete internships and placements in companies collaborating with the Faculty

Programme description:

Materials Design and Logistics is a programme that educates logistics engineers prepared to solve multi-disciplinary issues: designing new and improving existing engineering materials, supervising and modifying existing production and logistics systems, as well as managing resources and investments. The graduates of this programme are sought-after on the job market due to the existing and constantly growing demand for specialists trained to implement technical and technological knowledge of materials engineering, logistics, management and quality using modern methods and IT tools.

Career prospects:

The graduates will be prepared to work in small, medium and large industrial enterprises and companies in technological, production and research positions. They will also be prepared to work in logistics companies, design and consulting firms involved in logistics, as well as in business and administrative institutions where logistical, technical, economic and IT knowledge and organisational skills are required.

cycle of study: first- cycle degree programme

mode of study: full-time, 7 semesters

educational profile: general academic

language: Polish, English

degree awarded to the graduate: Bachelor of Science in Engineering

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Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
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